Hello, my name is Mindy Holman, and I am honored to be your Fremont Elementary School Principal. I have worked in this building as a teacher, assistant principal, and now principal for 18, years, and love my “Bear Family”. While not at school, I enjoy spending time with my family and being outside. I enjoy gardening, camping, and completing DIY projects at home.

I promise every student and parent that I will care more than others think is wise, BElieve THEre is GOOD in the world, and expect more than others think is possible.

At Fremont Elementary we inspire students to be creative and critical thinkers. My hope is that students become engaged lifelong learners who are compassionate and connected to our community and global society.

Together We Succeed!

Bio: Mindy Holman

• Master of Education: Special Education, Educational Administration

• Bachelor of Arts: Psychology, Elementary Education

Positions Held

• 4th Grade Teacher

• 3rd Grade Teacher

• 1st Grade Teacher

• Kindergarten Teacher

• Special Education Teacher

• Assistant Principal

I value communicating with you. So, when you want to speak with me, please contact me at 719-784-6303 or <mholman@re-2.org.> Emails will be responded to within 24-48 hours. Thank you for your ongoing support of our school. I look forward to working with you and your student(s).